Easy Ways to Install WordPress on an Ubuntu VPS
Easy Ways to Install WordPress on Ubuntu - Hello friends, this article will review an easy way to install WordPress on the azure ubuntu VPS server but you can also install it on google cloud, digital ocean, Alibaba cloud or AWS ec2, after previously kuh.net made an article how to get a free domain name for 1 year, in this article akuh.net will use the previously created domain
But before starting in this tutorial I will use wordops
About WordOps
WordOps consists of several software, namely:
- Nginx
- MariaDB
- Redis
- Netdata
- Git
- phpMyAdmin
Main features of WordPress:
- Easy to install
- Fast and automated in deployment
- Customized Nginx
- Multiple backend cache support
- SSL/TLS from Let's Encrypt
- Server monitoring with Netdata
WordOps Prerequisites
Before installing WordOps, we must first know the minimum device requirements needed.
WordOps can be installed on low-spec hardware such as the Raspberry Pi.
- 100MB storage
- 512 RAM
Recommended If you want to use WordOps for your production needs, it is recommended to use hardware with the following specifications:
- Multi-core CPU
- 20GB Storage
WordOps is also compatible with Ubuntu running on the Windows Linux Subsystem (WSL).
Operating system
Ubuntu 18.04 LTS /19.04 x86_64
Debian 9/10 x86_64
Raspbian 9/10 armv7
SSH: 22
HTTP: 80
HTTPS: 443
WordOps Backend: 22222
Install WordOps
This tutorial uses the Ubuntu 18.04 operating system from azure free 1 year
- Root login
sudo su
- Updates ubuntu
apt update && apt upgrade -y
- Install wget
apt install wget
- Install wordops
wget -qO wo wops.cc && sudo bash wo