Free Rdp Windows and ubuntu 50 Hours

Free Windows Rdp 50 Hours - in this article will share how to get a free VPS and free RDP for 50 hours non-stop for every account created

In this article, we will make 2 RDP windows 10x64 and windows 7x64 and also Ubuntu for those who don't like windows, but before continuing there are some reviews that might be useful

About Gitpod

Open source developer platform. Derived from Kiel now completely away from the rest of the world. Remove all friction from the developer experience to always be ready to code and make software engineering more collaborative, fun, and secure.

Gitpod has been building developer tools, creating programming languages, and successfully growing an open-source community for the past 10 years

Gitpod itself is a developer, Gitpod wants to leverage learning and build an enterprise that simplifies the lives of all developers. Experienced international investors support the journey. Fully distributed team with humans from all over the world.

Gitpod aims to keep your code tested and up-to-date. It's tightly integrated with Github: every time you update your code, Gitpod runs a test.

This product has a VScode interface and supports all major back-end/front-end languages ​​and frameworks (Eg, Django, Rails, Revel).

Gitpod Advantages

Gitpod is my choice when you want to use GitHub or GitLab for managed source control repositories, integrations, and community tools, and when you want to use other runtimes than Node.js.

Gitpod feels exactly like Visual Studio Code and supports many of the same extensions. Gitpod doesn't bring as much fun as Glitch, but it's much more flexible in terms of the languages ​​it supports. The thing that stands out the most about Gitpod, however, is how well it integrates with GitHub and GitLab. From logging in to checking projects, to making changes, the experience integrates seamlessly with the source hosting platform. Gitpod is also a great way to quickly check out projects you find on GitHub or GitLab and play with them. And it's easy to get started because Gitpod has a free tier too!

Gitpod is also more than just a cloud IDE but is different from Glitch. It is a sustainable development environment platform. This means Gitpod can be configured to automatically rebuild your development environment whenever something changes, allowing your environment to always have all of its dependencies pre-built waiting for you when you open the IDE.

Gitpod's general philosophy is that the development environment should be cheap and concise. They should be used on-demand, to make and review changes, then discarded after code is generated or reviewed.

Unlike Glitch, Gitpod does not include a continuous deployment or hosting platform of its own. Instead, you connect the service directly to a GitHub or GitLab repository which will be triggered on every return commit from Gitpod.

Plans And Pricing

Gitpod provides 4 plans, each of which has advantages and disadvantages, but in this tutorial, uses the free version of Gitpod and gets 50 hours/month and Private & Public Repos in more detail in the image below.

How to get Rdp and VPS

First, to register for Gitpod you need to have an account on one of the following websites, Gitlab, Github, and Bitbucket you choose one, if you don't have one you can create one below:




In this tutorial on how to get a free VPS and RDP, will use a Github account, you can use anything else the same

Then after being registered with one of the sites above you open the link below:


After successfully logging in, you create New Workspaces, then select any template. 

Then create ngrok to connect the RDP or VPS that will be created later

Ngrok Authtoken

In the terminal that opens enter the code below but before that press CTRL+C to close the running process

Free RDP Windows 7x64

sudo su
wget -O
chmod +x

Connect with RDP windows

Username akuh

Password Akuh.Net

Free RDP Windows 10x64

sudo su
wget -O
chmod +x

Connect with RDP windows

Username akuh

Password Akuh.Net

Free VPS Ubuntu

First launched in 2004, Ubuntu is a free and open-source Debian-based operating mechanism and Linux distribution. This operating mechanism is built using the Debian infrastructure and is divided into the server, desktop, and Linux operating mechanisms.
This desktop environment integrates with other programs such as audio player, video player, and social media.

Apart from Unity, you can also use other environments such as GNOME, XFCE, MATE, KDE, and LXDE. Not only that, there are many detailed versions made to work with those environments such as Lubuntu, Xubuntu, Ubuntu GNOME, Ubuntu MATE, and Kubuntu.


sudo su

wget -O
chmod +x

Connect free VPS ubuntu with remote desktop user root password as you make


sudo su

wget -O
chmod +x

Connect free VPS ubuntu with remote desktop user root password as you make

Note: if error curl: (7) Failed to connect to port 4040: Connection refused enter the code below

./ngrok tcp 3389

it is recommended to use mate or xfce4 because it does not lag, for windows CPU 100% there is no recommendation for windows lite which is light to use

Maybe that's all for this article about Free Rdp Windows and ubuntu 50 Hours for more details follow the video tutorial below

Any question? write in comments
This tutorial is for educational purposes only

Video Tutorial

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  • Unknown
    Unknown September 11, 2021 at 8:36 PM

    very slow the VPS . try to increase speed for the CPU and the ram . Thanks

    • akuh
      akuh September 11, 2021 at 10:00 PM

      have windows lite with low cpu? maybe you can share it, I still haven't found it

    • Unknown
      Unknown September 23, 2021 at 5:51 AM

      Can u add an android os like remix os

    • akuh
      akuh September 23, 2021 at 9:58 PM


  • Mahmoud Ragab
    Mahmoud Ragab September 11, 2021 at 9:56 PM

    RDP Address: does not appear

    • akuh
      akuh September 11, 2021 at 10:01 PM

      sometimes problems happen in ngrok

      for windows ./ngrok tcp 3388
      for ubuntu ./ngrok tcp 3389

  • AK PR
    AK PR September 12, 2021 at 7:55 PM

    BRO is there any way to enable kvm in gitpod. If we can somehow acess kvm than cpu 100 problem could be fixed.

    • akuh
      akuh September 12, 2021 at 8:02 PM

      try to paste this in any terminal
      echo $(egrep '^flags.*(vmx|svm)' /proc/cpuinfo | wc -l)

      if output is greater than 0, then Virtualization is enabled

  • accountprogen
    accountprogen September 13, 2021 at 3:23 AM

    Bro it’s only for 30 minutes and it shuts down any fixes

    • akuh
      akuh September 15, 2021 at 10:28 AM

      all tutorials uploaded on youtube will quickly not work, next update i will upload on other than youtube maybe later this afternoon

  • Devid Ham
    Devid Ham September 14, 2021 at 11:51 PM

    Bro gitpod workspace stopped working after 10/15minutes . I installed ubuntu first one.

    • akuh
      akuh September 15, 2021 at 10:29 AM

      ok update later

  • Unknown
    Unknown October 3, 2021 at 5:35 AM

    Hello there, what about using windows xp would you think it will work? if yes then it might use a lower cpu

    • akuh
      akuh October 3, 2021 at 11:49 AM

      I think it's the same because kvm is off,
      azure terminal is the best choice if you want to use qemu and it's free, kvm is active with 8gb ram

  • Unknown
    Unknown October 15, 2021 at 10:57 PM

    akkuuh i love you

  • Admin
    Admin November 24, 2021 at 12:56 AM

    Can I use an .iso file to replace your windows? Because, vps is very slow

    • akuh
      akuh November 24, 2021 at 6:48 PM

      yes you can but not .iso use img or qcow2

  • GamerzEpic
    GamerzEpic June 24, 2022 at 11:34 PM

    bro can u be my teacher :)

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