Free RDP Windows Server Circleci

Free RDP Windows Server Circleci - Hello friends, this time I will share a tutorial on how to get a free Windows Server 2019 RDP with 15GB of RAM and 4 CPUs running for 5 full hours, you can close the tab and just run RDP. the good news is you can make unlimited RDP this way

As per the title of this post, you can use circleci free RDP for free for 5 hours and it will be reset once a week so you have to use multiple accounts if you want to run unlimited or the second option is to upgrade your circleci account, but in this tutorial, I only made a tutorial how to get RDP windows server 2019 with a free account

About Circleci

CircleCI is an Integrative Continuously hosted service. You register for a CircleCI account, write your CI compositions in YAML, and CircleCI runs them on their infrastructure. There is also the option to run CircleCI tasks on location. Your CircleCI composition has multiple tasks, which can be integrated into the workflow, and lumped together using environmental factors and frameworks.

There are several CI services out there. CircleCI is our favorite because of the following features:

Easy to set up and run.

Several ready-to-use Docker images make writing your composition easier.

Most reconciling options include orbs and work paths.

Commander GUI for CircleCI

Commander builds on top of CircleCI and takes it to another level. You can get up and running in a jiffy with some of the convenient features of the desktop program:

The power to run your tasks locally from the GUI.

Watch your run summary results.

Match your CircleCI setup.

The power to change the composition of your YAML CircleCI.

Copy your CircleCI terminal commands.

CircleCI Runner

The majority of upgrades to your CircleCI pipeline are performed locally, it is important to be able to run your CircleCI tasks on your local computer. Commandeer allows you to execute your tasks from the GUI so you can get faster feedback when upgrading your CircleCI tasks.

How To Get Windows Rdp In Circleci

Immediately, here is a tutorial on how to get RDP windows from circleci there are several steps you need to do, keep in mind I suggest you create a new account to do this tutorial

  • First, to register circleci you need a GitHub or Bitbucket account



  • After creating a GitHub or Bitbucket account now you register Circleci

Register Circleci

  • Then after successfully registered create a new repository on your GitHub or bitbucket account, name it as you wish.
  • The next step after creating your repository is back to Circleci then to Projects
  • Select the repository that you created earlier then you enter the command below

version: 2.1 
  win: circleci/windows@2.2.0
      name: win/default 
      size: "medium" 
      - checkout      
      - run: Set-LocalUser -Name "Administrator" -Password (ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText "Akuhnet123" -Force)
      - run: Get-LocalUser -Name "Administrator" | Enable-LocalUser 
      - run: Invoke-WebRequest -OutFile
      - run: tar xf
      - run: Copy ngrok.exe C:\Windows\System32
      - run: cmd /c echo ./ngrok.exe authtoken "YOUR_NGROK_AUTHTOKEN_HERE" >a.ps1
      - run: cmd /c echo cmd /k start ngrok.exe tcp 3389 >>a.ps1
      - run: cmd /c echo ping -n 999999 >>a.ps1
      - run: .\a.ps1

  • Next, you take the ngrok auth token

Ngrok Auth Token

Replace NGROK_AUTHOKEN_HERE section with the ngrok you got from the link above

For username and password, change it or use it by default which has prepared

Username: Administrator

Password: Akuhnet123


  • Then the next step select Save and Run
  • Wait for deployment for about 1 minute
  • After the deployment is complete, it is marked with a ping to you go to the link below to get the RDP address you just created

Congratulations, you have completed the tutorial on how to get a free RDP windows server 2019, to connect RDP you can use Remote Desktop Connection from windows

Any question? write in comments
This tutorial is for educational purposes only
if this tutorial doesn't work please comment, will update soon

Video Tutorial

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  • OzzWizard
    OzzWizard October 8, 2021 at 1:57 PM

    its works thanks and Will the server stay up for 999999 seconds?

    • akuh
      akuh October 8, 2021 at 2:13 PM

      it will run 5 full hours, after it runs out create a new account

    • OzzWizard
      OzzWizard October 8, 2021 at 2:27 PM

      Thx again.

    FF MASTER October 11, 2021 at 3:50 PM

    can i play games on it ?

  • Cruz
    Cruz October 12, 2021 at 4:55 PM

    failed now.

  • Cruz
    Cruz October 12, 2021 at 4:55 PM

    can not work now. Pls help to update the code. thanks.

    • akuh
      akuh October 12, 2021 at 9:59 PM

      ok i will update soon

  • Test
    Test October 12, 2021 at 7:55 PM

    Ur google Colab windows RDP not working any solution curl error all time

    • akuh
      akuh October 12, 2021 at 10:00 PM

      there is an update in curl I will update it soon, thank you

    • akuh
      akuh October 12, 2021 at 10:04 PM

      it's updated now please come here:

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous October 13, 2021 at 7:09 AM

    please update comand circleci

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous October 15, 2021 at 1:05 AM

    It shows anomaly detected.

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