Latest Cryptomator Free Download

What is Cryptomator? Software used to encrypt files that you put on cloud storage. We certainly have important files. We don't want the file to be accessed at random.

To avoid this, you can secure or encrypt the file. One of them is using Cryptomator. So when you save your files on the cloud or cloud-based storage and by using Cryptomator, the files will be more secure.

Features on Cryptomator

Cryptomator software is an optional software because it is open source. You can use the various menus in it for free. You are not charged for using some of its features.

Cryptomator support for many types of operating mechanisms. Not only Windows, the software you can use for devices that use macOS or Linux. Even Cryptomator support for iOS and Android.

Cryptomator works well when you use it on storage media such as Dropbox, Google Drive, and Mega. These 3 cloud storages are very popular and are often an option for storing various files.

You can also easily sync between Cryptomator and the storage media. It must be remembered that the Cryptomator software performs encryption on the client-side. The files that you have will be safe and not just anyone can share. Some of the features that exist in Cryptomator include:

  • Cryptomator can encrypt files that you put on cloud storage media
  • This software allows you to encrypt files one by one
  • Cryptomator has an easy-to-understand interface. Then you have no trouble running the software
  • The software provides multi-base support. So not only for the Windows operating mechanism but you can install it on devices with Linux OS, macOS, Android, and iOS
  • Cryptomator is open source software so you can use it for free without being charged
  • A software with a small file capacity, including. Using it does not affect the performance of your device

Download the Latest Cryptomator

Cryptomator software provides support for 256-bit AES encryption. You need to know that this is one of the best encryption systems. The software will encrypt the files one by one.

That's the information about the Cryptomator software. You can use it to create individual files and files that you need to be safe from some malicious people.

You can also quickly sync with the cloud storage you are using. The software will immediately encrypt files so that your files are more secure. Download the latest and free Cryptomator via the following link:

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